USCIS Announces FY2022 H-1B Cap Initial Registration Period
February 5, 2021
Today, USCIS announced that the initial registration period for the FY2022 H-1B cap will open at 12:00 noon (ET) on March 9, 2021, and run through 12:00 noon (ET) on March 25, 2021.
According to the USCIS, the H-1B Registration Process Timeline will be as follows:
- March 9: H-1B registration period opens at noon ET.
- March 25: H-1B registration period closes at noon ET.
- March 31: Date by which USCIS intends to notify initial group of selected registrants.
- April 1: The earliest date that FY2022 H-1B cap-subject petitions may be filed.
For more on the registration process and FY H-1Bs, see our FAQs on Fiscal Year H-1Bs.